My cousin Eddie's wedding was in Cocoa Beach... we drove down for the festivities... this was out itenerary:
8:30pm Tues- leave for Atlanta
5:00am Wed- arrive in Atlanta
6:30pm Wed- leave for Orlando
3:00am Thurs- arrive in Orlando
spend the day in cold/gray Orlando... a quick visit to Downtown Disney
1:00pm Fri- leave for Cocoa Beach
2:00pm Fri- arrive to Cocoa Beach
rehearsal dinner
Saturday- check out surf shops, see sharks eat, walk on beach, wedding
12noon Sun- leave for NC
9:15pm Sun- arrive to NC
12:30pm Mon- leave for VA
Arrive home at 6:30pm Mon after picking up Napoleon from Aunt Becky's....
Sebastian was a trooper!!! He is a traveling machine!!!! Picks and videos to follow:)