For the past Three months Sebastian has been walking around with the aid of a finger, a hand, or one of his many push toys. He had taken a couple of steps on his own, but still needed security. When Eddie and I tried to stand him up to coax him to walk, he would make his legs jello and laugh at us:)
Well, yesterday Sebastian and I were outside walking(my finger in hand), when I notice Napoleon on the couch- I slip my finger out of his hand to get closer to the window to get the dog off. He held his balance during this, and when I returned I got just close enough and then asked him to walk to me. He hesitated for a second and than took a couple of steps- that was the light switch- cause he then walked to me, beside me, and past me. After a couple of minutes I swept him up in my arms with kisses and praises and ran in to get the video camera. We had just gotten back outside recording when Eddie pulled up. Here are some videos for your enjoyment:)
Sebastian loves his books!!! It is his favorite toy!!! We are very proud of this:) His favorites are the opposites given to him by his cousins Ruth and Anna and the Little Einsteins Adventure from his cousin Santiago- they have buttons and he loves his buttons!!!! Here he is enjoying his Pooh, Baby Einstein, and Animals!!!
13 weeks and counting!!! Done with the progesterone :)!!! Life is good!!! I had my 12 week appointment last week and all is well. I got to hear the baby's heartbeat- 150 beats/minute. On Monday May 11th we will officially enter the 2nd trimester and that will be the starting point of the Belly Diary: the 2nd edition.
Sebastian is such an amazing joy!!! He comes out with new words out of the blue- use them once or twice and the retire them. The 2 newest words being milk and cracker. He is enjoying his swim lessons a lot- well I don't know if it is the swim lessons as much as he has such a crush on his swim instructor- he does not take his eyes off of her!!! This past Saturday he even made friends with the noodle and Eddie was able to wrap it around him and swish him about the pool:) Mami sat on the sidelines so proud:)
I got my Mother's Day present a week early- a dishwasher!!!! For those who do not know- we live in a house built in 1952... a dishwasher was never installed... I had the joy of doing anywhere from 2-4 loads of dishes a day. With baby #2 on the way I saw the dishes stacking up at a faster rate than I could ever keep up with, so I requested a dishwasher for Mother's Day. We went and got it last Saturday and Eddie has been working hard in converting our non-dishwasher kitchen into one. He is almost there!!! I cannot wait to run my first load of dishes:)!!!! I have such an amazing husband!!!!
For your enjoyment- Sebastian practicing with his spoon. I promise food did get in his mouth!