Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Our "Snow" Day

This is the most snow we have seen this so called winter :( We had to make do... It was falling at a nice clip, so let's go catch them in our mouths... we get outside and it slowed down. That did not deter Sebastian...

 He caught one in his eye.

He then "caught" one in his fingers

Then the paced picked up again. I LOVE his expression. You maybe asking at this point, where is Vince? He was napping.

funny daddy....

Sebastian get's into the fight 

Napoleon enjoys eating this delicacy 

Vince wakes up and joins in the fun!!!!! 

checking out where the fort will go:)

Carm-Cam action

The next morning we skipped breakfast and headed straight out cause temps were going to climb up to 50's and we had to play before it melted away!

Vince had to show Sebastian how to sled

He then got in the action

Then Daddy

We hope to see more/better snow before winter says goodbye, but we are not holding our breaths.

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